Preschool Programs

Welcome to the Hewins Early Learning Center!

We house all Franklin Pierce free preschool programs. We have incredible children and staff who learn through inclusive play-based instruction. We not only serve approximately 350 children in four different preschool programs, but also have regular Child Find activities for three- to five- year-old children who might be developing at a different pace. Fill out an interest form so that we can contact you about our programs!

  • Free Meals
  • Free Transportation
  • 8:1 ratio
  • Family Events
  • Food, Mental Health, Parenting Resources

Head Start and ECEAPare federally and state-funded free preschool programs for qualifying families in the Franklin Pierce Schools boundary. Children must be 3 or 4 years old by August 31st of the school year.

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday;  AM classes (8-11:30am) or PM classes (11:30am-3pm)
Developmental Preschool supports students with special needs to meet their individual needs. Staff focus on personalized goals to help students gain important skills
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday; AM classes (8-10:30am) or PM classes (12:30pm-3pm) 
Community Preschool 
is an integrated preschool program that provides a chance for students to learn together in a developmentally appropriate classroom. Children must be 3 or 4 years old by August 31st of the school year.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday; AM classes (8-10:30am) or PM classes (12:30pm-3pm) 

Additional Information