The attendance line for the Early Learning Center is (253) 298-4696. Please call in advance to report your child's absence. In the message please state the child's name, teacher's name, and the reason for the absence.
For safety purposes, your child's teacher or family support specialist have not had contact with you regarding an absence, staff will reach out to your family as soon as possible. If staff have not had contact with a family for 3 consecutive school days, a home safety check will be conducted. It is important that you communicate about any absences, directly or through the attendance line, to ensure children are safe.
If your child is enrolled in Head Start or ECEAP, please note the following attendance policy, procedures, and expectations:
Head Start and ECEAP expect that children maintain 90% attendance as much as possible. This means being absent no more than 1-2 days per month on average. Please call the attendance line if your child will be absent, following the instructions above. You will sign a Safe Arrival and Departure Agreement at Enrollment.